Jim Graham
Jim Graham

Entrepreneur, designer, builder, and photographer…  Click on any of the images below to learn more!

Tech-Net/Pulse Communications

Technology planning and    Project Management svcs

Wild River Productions

Photography, Videographer and Video Productions

Corporate Events/Graphics

Graphics Operator and Network Specialist

Designer &  Builder

Construction and Remodel Projects

About Jim...

At a very young age I was exposed to my fathers workbench filled with Ham radio gear and electronic components...  Small scale train sets and crystal radio kits soon followed.  As a teeneager, I became involved in broadcast radio and  the music industry with my first business being a mobile disco  in the mid 70's. My involvement with the theater lead me in the  direction of lighting, sound systems and more electronics!

In the early 80's I landed a job  at Hewlett-Packard and became more involved in electronics  and the computer industry. Many years later, I started Jim's Electronics  Repair and Design followed by a computer consulting  business serving clients in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Working in the corporate world during the introduction of PC's into the workplace, I became heavily involved with Cisco routers and bulilding wide area networks across the US and Canada. My passion for the arts and photography continued to grow and resulted in the opening of my own photography studio.  I also became activly involved with the local staging Union in San Francisco producing corporate events  as a graphics operator and networking specialist.

Today, technology design, computers, networking, photography and event production make up a majority of my talents. A breif description of each of these businesses and hobbies are listed with links to images and my websites.


Technology           Photography          Corporate Events         Construction          Contact me

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